
week six – december 2023.

CONGRATULATIONS! you made it through the shoot weekend! we’re incredibly proud of all the hard work you’ve put into bringing these films to life. thank you for all your hard work, courage and tenacity. Please do remember to complete your Shoot Diary while the weekend is still fresh in your head! You can find the…

week five – december 2023.

hi all! we’re already on our fifth week of the BFI Film Academy and now over half-way through the course. this weekend will be your shoot weekend! please do come well-rested and prepared for two intense days. bring any props and costume items you need. speak to your team about what needs organising ahead of…

week four – december 2023.

hi all, thanks for today! you all worked really hard, so well down. below are the questions for this week. please send me work from weeks 1-3 by monday december 4th. either send me a word doc, or link me to the pages on your wordpress if you have copied them across. Somers Town (2008)…

week three – november 2023

hi all, thanks for another great session this Saturday! below are the questions for this week. 4.1 – Demonstrate Good Health and Safety practice when working on film productions (Part 1)

week two – november 2023

hi all, hoping you are well and enjoyed this week’s camera & sound masterclass. thanks for all your hard work! it was great to get you working collaboratively in teams. below you can find the questions to be answered for this week: 2.2       Describe a range of key job roles and responsibilities…

week one – november 2023.

hi BFI Film Academy class of 2023! here are the questions to be completed as part of your NCFE qualification for the first week of BFI Film Academy. we don’t expect you to know loads about film at this point! you can be honest and treat this as a journal for your filmmaking career to…

NCFE questions week-by-week (November 2022).

Hi BFI Film Academy 2022-23, Here you can find all of the NCFE questions and the week they were set. I will also include the questions from the sections ‘Learning From Masterclasses’ which can be completed at any time during the course and the questions for ‘Production Diary’ which you may use to wish during…

NCFE questions week-by-week (November 2021).

Hi BFI Film Academy 2021-22, Here you can find all of the NCFE questions and the week they were set. I will also include the questions from the sections ‘Learning From Masterclasses’ which can be completed at any time during the course and the questions for ‘Production Diary’ which you may use to wish during…

post screening day wrap up

hello all, this saturday will be the screening day for your short films and a critical point in your academy training. after this point, we will no longer be meeting with you, but please continue to work on your potfolios so that we can submit you for the qualification. you’ve worked so hard and it…

week seven

3.2       Identify the qualities needed to work well with others What are the most important qualities for working well as part of a film production team? How did you show the following, give examples: Good timekeeping Being reliable Sharing ideas Good communication Safe working 3.3       Describe how you worked with others collaboratively on your film…

week six

1.3       Gain feedback on how you performed your role Ask tutors and/or other Academy participants the questions below, you can write your answers, film them or record the audio What did I do well? What were the challenges and how were they dealt with? How did I work within my team? Do you have any…

week five

this module is to be completed by 18/12/19 3.1     Explain the importance of teamwork when working on a film production What are the different teams in your production? How do they work together? For example, how did your team work together to prepare for the shoot? Also, during production and post-production? Why is it important…

production diary

questions to answer following each session 1. what did you do? 2. what have you learned? 3. how have you worked with others? 4. what do you need to develop?

week four

this module is due 4/12/19 4.2 Explain why copyright is important in the film industry What is Copyright? Why Does copyright law exist? What kind of work is covered by copyright? What might happen if you were to use copyrighted material in your film? How can you make sure not to infringe copyright law in…

week three

4.1 – Demonstrate Good Health and Safety practice when working on film productions (Part 1) Why is health and safety important when working on film productions? What are some of the key safety issues relating to film production? How did you apply good health and safety practice when making your film? Include your risk assessment…

week two

5.1       Review and critique at least one short film production Film Title, Director, Country, Year. Story outline (1 or 2 sentence summary) What is the film about, is there a theme or message? Describe the genre (if fiction film), or style (if documentary). How was sound used? How were camera techniques used? What was the…

week one

1.1       Describe areas for development in your current knowledge, understanding and skills  This needs to be completed at the beginning of the course and again at the end of the course.  It can be completed as a blog or vlog provided you answer the prompt questions. What is your current knowledge and understanding of film? …

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